Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome to Advice Central

This whole idea started as a joke. I toss out advice like candy. Ironically, though I don't even always take my own advice, I tend to give good stuff. And sometimes, people who ask for advice just really want sympathy. I.e. Friend: How can I get a ketchup stain out of the carpet. Me: Oh, darn. A ketchup stain in the carpet. That sucks! Well, maybe not, but you get the gist.

In addition to advice giving, I like to create titles for things. I've entitled several books that I may or may not write. I've entitled several children that I may or may not have. And I entitle lots of stuff that I can have like blogs.

So here's how this will work. Email me or post a question to the blog. I'll copy and paste it into a box with my answer. I can't guarantee that you'll like your advice. I can't even guarantee that it'll work in every circumstance. I can guarantee some amusement and sympathy. Or complete scorn for you, but amusement for the rest of us. Something like that. Also, if you ask me a question that makes me worry for your safety, keep in mind that I'll be here worrying for your safety. At least comment to tell me you're okay. I may not be your mom, but seriously...

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